More to the Story: Cobalt Historical Society Blog
Filthy Stinking Rich, Cobalt Style Most of us know what the phrase “filthy rich” means, but I asked Google for...
For Black History Month Today we share the story of Richard “Dick” Alexander Elliott. Information for this sketch was drawn...
New Research Resource We’ve added a new file on our Research page. Thanks to Pat Anderson for permitting us to...
4 Nations Coleman Township, 1931 Recently, after the 1931 Canadian Census was released, I learned that there was a location...
Cleaning up the desk-top It’s a wintry day. Nowhere to be, not much to do. It’s a good time to...
New Photos! Thanks to Mark Smyk, we are able to share with you this series of photos. He wrote, “I...
A favourite part of our job is assisting with research queries. It’s our mandate, after all, to share the history...
New to the Heritage Silver Trail! Since 1999, the Cobalt Historical Society, along with our municipal partners from Coleman Township...
Introducing a new research resource about the Right of Way mine by Allan Stacey...
The early residents in the silver mine sites were sturdy people and left behind equally sturdy gardens!...
Happy 25th Anniversary to the Cobalt Historical Society...
Announcing an exhibition at the Temiskaming Art Gallery featuring the works of Muriel E. Newton White...
A list of employees who worked at the O'Brien Mine in Coleman Township during the 1930s...
Voters' List, Municipality of the Town of Cobalt, District of Temiskaming, 1922...
How the Town of Cobalt got its name...
Denis Newman and the Canadian Mining Heritage Series featuring the McKinley Darragh Mill in Coleman Township...
Today's feature is the McKinley Darragh Mine – not only new-to-us photos, but also new-to-us details about the two men who made the first silver discovery...
Introducing a new publication - Cobalt's Namesake Goes to War by Charles Dumaresq...
From 1969 - the Heritage Tour - a forerunner of the Heritage Silver Trail...
Denis Newman's interpretation of Grandview Avenue in Cobalt...
An introduciton to artist Denis Newman and the Canadian Mining Heritage Series...
After the Vox Popular Film Festival, the North Bay Film Festival, and taking home the Best Documentary and Best Direction...
The delegation of American Institute of Mining Engineers stopped in Cobalt in 1907. They published a report of their tour, including a "Pocket Map of the Cobalt Silver Camp."...
Things I learned from studying the Coleman Township assessment rolls for 1907. Robert Henry Coulson Browne, Cobalt's first stipendiary magistrate...
Trying to solve the identity of an unknown building interior. It's possibly a hydro installation on the Montreal River, at Ragged Chute...
An update from the Willet Green Miller Site on Silver Street...
16 Photographic Views of Cobalt, Ont...
I am always intrigued when I come across an old photo or postcard of a street scene or building(s) in...
In this story, we feature the Millerett Mine. It was the first to ship ore of any substantial quantity from Gowganda...
a new video about the Ragged Chute air compression station on the Montreal River...
Sharing the highlight of the Edgar Boland collection - pictures of people and places in Cobalt in the 1930s to early 1940s...
Learn about H. P. Glidden and two of his business associates, and surprising new information about West Cobalt in Coleman Township...
The Cobalt Historical Society was invited to speak at the dedication of the new Larose bridge on the weekend. I...
Originally published in The Globe 1908 “I go up the Montreal River: I go to find a gold mine. Bye-and-bye...
Cobalt Public School Class Photo ca 1944 Names provided by Dorothy Black Nicholls Top Row Gerald Warren. Unknown. Unknown. Unknown...
The folks at Coleman Township asked up to prepare a few words about the history of the mine structure that...
Charles Dumaresq, long-time and dedicated devotee of the Cobalt story, asked for our help locating artifacts related to the WWII “Flower Class” corvette, the HMCS Cobalt. What follows is his account...
Alarming News! Memorial plaque stolen...