New Research Resource
We’ve added a new file on our Research page. Thanks to Pat Anderson for permitting us to share her 1993 report, Cobalt Mining Camp Tailings Inventory, Cobalt Ontario.
This document has been cited in geological and industry reports numerous times, but before now, we’ve been unable to find an online source.
The PDF file is 196 pages long. Thanks to a reader for providing a searchable copy.

From the report
In more recent years, environmental concerns, mine closures, and tailings re-treatment raised many questions about the chemistry and safety of the numerous sites. This inventory documents the history of the mills, milling process and any details of the nature of each mill and tailing site to provide the background information necessary to facilitate further research.
Mining and rehabilitation of silver tailings in the Cobalt mining camp has occurred at infrequent intervals since the first veins were discovered in 1903. Little comprehensive information is available today describing these operations, the tailings sites, or the mills or milling processes utilitzed to produce the tails. Most published information is included in early editions of the Ontairo Department of Mines Annual reports which only describe silver production rather than silver lost during milling. Furthermore, most existing tailings are situated on patented grounds and submission of data was, and is not, required by the government. Little systematic documentation has ever been compiled on the tailings in the area, and what little information is available is rapidly becoming lost.
The study was initiated by the Cobalt Resident Geologist’s Office, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, primarily to meet the demand by a number of engineering and mining firms requiring information on tailings rehabilitation and milling practices. In addition increasing environmental awareness, advances in processing and a renewed interest in mining reclamation of tailings suggested that a comprehensive report was necessary.
This report encompasses and deals with several facets related to tailings and includes maps, locations, historical mining and milling practices, and composition and rehabilitation practices.