Grandview Avenue
The scene of Grandview Avenue near the corner of Cobalt Street, was captured by serveral photographers and artists over the years. In 1997, as part of his Canadian Mining Heritage Series, artist Denis Newman did likewise.
Newman used photos from the Cobalt Mining Musuem dated 1924, shown below. From these two images, he chose the elements he wanted in his interpretation of the scene. You’ll note that he rarely (if ever) reproduced animal and/or human forms in his work.

Photographer is unknown.
Other interpretations
Newman kept good company. Here is the same west-facing view of Grandview Ave and Cobalt Street as interpreted by other Canadian artists.
TOP: Franklin Carmichael’s sketch of Grandview Ave from his visit in 1930
MIDDLE: George Cassidy’s Cobalt Back Street in Winter c 1947
Editor’s note! Thanks to Reg Holdsworth for pointing out that Cassidy’s work depicts a west-facing view of Prospect Avenue. The Cobalt High School and the former Masonic Temple sit at the top of the stars.
BOTTOM: E. Gilmour Smith’s painting of the same scene in 1937. You can read more about the artist and the painting that was donated to the Cobalt Historical Society, and which now resides at the Temiskaming Art Gallery.

Prints available
The Cobalt Historical Society is grateful for Mr. Newman’s steadfast dedication to mining heritage and for sharing with us, and therefore with our readers, once familiar scenes in Cobalt and Coleman Township.
For inquiries or to purchase prints of Newman’s drawings, a phone call is preferred – 613-966-3925 or send an email to den.gen@sympatico.ca
Would like to by some of the pictures it is all part of my
Hi Bernie – I’ll send you an email.