A New Book! HMCS Cobalt – Cobalt’s Namesake Goes to War

Cobalt’s Namesake Goes to War
by Charles Dumaresq

Announcing the publication of a new book!

Charles Dumaresq writes, “As an outgrowth of my long-standing interest in the history of Cobalt, I have written a book about the Second World War Royal Canadian Navy ship named after Cobalt – the Flower Class corvette HMCS Cobalt. The book is now available, free of charge

“Given my interest in Cobalt, one of the areas I tried to learn more about was the relationship between the town and the ship and her crew. There are some unsolved mysteries for sure, but I am happy with how much information I was able to find on this. It is a topic often overlooked in ships’ histories.

“Many thanks to Maggie Wilson with the Cobalt Historical Society, as well as the Cobalt Mining Museum and the Bunker for helping with this aspect of the book.”

Copyright information, About the Cover art, Acknowledging Sources,
and How to Contact the Author

More to the story

You may recognize the artwork Dumaresq used on the cover. Last year, we shared the news when he was able to reunite the original gunsheild art and the ship’s bell

Just a day before Dumaresq announced the publication of the book, we found the two artifacts together in a 1952 photo! 

Cobalt’s Community Hall all decked out for a festive occasion in 1952.
From the John Hunt digital collection at the Cobalt Public Library
A cropped portion of the photo above.
The HMCS Cobalt bell is on the end table and
the gunshield artwork is above the fireplace


We’ve added a link to the book on our Research Page. The file is large, over 70MB.

As well, we’ve updated the bibliography. HMCS Cobalt – Cobalt’s Namesake Goes to War is the first new title of 2024! 

If you have more information to share about a family member who was attached to the HMCS Cobalt, or if you know anything about the other artifacts that are mentioned in the story (framed portrait photos of the corvette, for instance) please contact Charles Dumaresq. His contact email is in the image above. 

2 thoughts on “A New Book! HMCS Cobalt – Cobalt’s Namesake Goes to War”

  1. Richard A Wereley

    My father James Marshall Wereley served on board the Cobalt.
    BEM recipient
    In possession of several photos and gun shield artwork.

    1. Cobalt Historical Society

      Thanks for writing, Richard. If you wish to contact the author, his email is in the image above, with all the “about” details. Thank you!

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