About the Cobalt Historical Society
The Cobalt Historical Society is a volunteer non-profit corporation that was established in 1999. We are a member of the joint-venture partnership with the Town of Cobalt and Coleman Township. Together our mission is to preserve and promote the mining heritage of the area. The society was created to fulfill the Town of Cobalt’s initiative to build the Heritage Silver Trail, a self-guided tour that includes former mining sites in Cobalt and Coleman. On the Town’s behalf, we built the trail and since then we continue to develop and maintain the sites with aid from the two municipalities, our members, and volunteers. Our office is housed in the reconstructed Pan Silver headframe and shafthouse ( site #14 on the Heritage Silver Trail ) which was moved from the Harrison-Hibbert “Mud” Mine to its present location on Silver Street in 1998.
Our mandate is to act as an umbrella organization for the preservation and development of the remaining mine properties, equipment, and artifacts that illustrate the important role that the Cobalt Mining Camp has played in the development of the mining industry in Ontario and in the development of Northern Ontario. The Cobalt Mining Camp was designated as a National Historic Site in 2001.
Some of our activities include:
- the dissemination of heritage information as it relates to the Cobalt Mining Camp.
- promotion of the Heritage Silver Trail, the Cobalt Mining Camp and related cultural and heritage sites as tourist destinations.
- develop a participative membership program.
- fundraise for short and long-term preservation and development programs focusing on the preservation and development of the Heritage Silver Trail and the Cobalt Mining Camp as significant historical sites and tourist attractions.
To accomplish these goals, we disseminate information through this website, through our FaceBook page, our quarterly newsletters, members’ meetings and our symposiums with their book publication. We advocate the preservation of the area’s mining heritage, and maintain the Heritage Silver Trail, the Koza Park, and the Keevil Walking Trail.
If you have any questions regarding the Society, the Cobalt Mining Camp, membership, or financial support, we would be happy to hear from you by mail or email.